Don’t Fear the Reapers

Renegade Reapers MC, Book 1

Genre: Motorcycle Romance (reverse harem)

My name is Harleigh Rayne West.

My mom thought it would be cute to name me after my father’s vehicle of choice, but she changed the spelling on a whim because she thought it looked sophisticated.

When I was five, she died, so I called my brother, the President of the Renegade Reapers MC. He didn’t even know I existed, but he raised me like I was his own.

Now I’m making him proud (and equally scared) because I’m the first female member and Secretary for the MC.

Everyone outside of the MC thinks I’m just some stupid biker wh*re, including the cop who arrests me for assault.

My plan is working, because that’s exactly what I want them to think.

Then they won’t realize the one thing the MC tries to hide.

Out of all of their patched in members, current and past…

I’m the most dangerous.

“If you like a story that has a dark side, this is the book for you. The main character is such a strong female lead and I loved her from the beginning! The author has a great world with great characters. The dark side is definitely a great addition to the story and gives the character more depth.”

– Amazon Reviewer

“I’m all for the girl power in this book! I love how the main character is take no prisoners,bow to no one, it’s your loss attitude! From start to finish I have been routing for her to get happy ending. I can’t wait to see if hunter will step up and lay claim to her or if Harliegh is gonna choose someone else. I can’t wait for the next books to come out!”

– Amazon Reviewer

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New York Times

Sed virtutem ipsam inchoavit, nihil amplius. Quonam modo?
